wine knowledge
So you really want to KNOW? Then you are exactly right here!
I have collected some background information for you, with which you can
delve deeper into the beautiful world of wine.
Real insider info or show-off knowledge ;)
Check back regularly, I will continue to expand this collection - whenever I find something exciting! If you miss any information, please send me an email,
then I can add it here.

determination of taste
aroma wheel
The so-called "Aroma Wheel" was developed in America in the mid-1980s. The background was that until now there was no uniform terminology for the description of wines. The aroma wheel does not contain any judgmental terms such as "extraordinary" or "elegant", but only descriptions of smells that are generally known.
The aroma wheel is therefore suitable for professional tasters as well as hobby sommeliers.
character wheel
Since when drinking or tasting wine you not only smell or taste actual aromas, but also perceive other impressions, the character wheel helps to find words for, for example, mouthfeel / texture, color or acidity.
Even if these descriptions are not part of the classic aroma wheel, they are still part of the "wine experience" and deserve a mention :)
Image source for both wheels: Towards Data Science, 2019
German variations
White Wine Wheel
Aroma wheels are now available in a wide variety of variants. The Association of German Oenologists and the German Wine Institute have developed the variants shown above: a white wine wheel and a red wine wheel. There is also a sparkling wine wheel or the wine error wheel, which explicitly describes unpleasant to disgusting smells and/or tastes, such as vinegar or onions.
Image sources: Shop Deutsche Weine / Deutsches Wein Institut
Red Wine Wheel
And how do you read these wheels?
First, you smell a certain aroma on the middle level, for example "fruity". In the inner circle, you might find out that it's more like "berries". The outermost level then classifies the aroma in the most detailed way, and so the wine can be described with aromas of blackberries and elderberry, for example, through intensive smelling.
WOSA: Wines of South Africa
Wines of South Africa (WOSA) is the export organization for the South African wine industry. WOSA acts on behalf of around 500 export-oriented wine producers with the aim of increasing the attention and popularity of South African wines internationally.
In addition, WOSA not only organizes trade fairs, but also offers exciting information about the wine region of South Africa, maps, recipes and even a certified and free online course on the special features of South African winegrowing on the homepage ... really recommendable! ♥
In addition to working to educate and strengthen the image of South African wines on the international market, WOSA helps winegrowers to open up new export markets and build an export network. At the same time, WOSA also promotes the development of South African wine tourism.

places of longing
So where does the wine actually come from?
Where in South Africa are there suitable growing areas?
You can take a look at the map for this. As you can see, wine growing is concentrated in the south of the country. This is because it has perfect growing conditions right here (soils, weather, temperatures...). And it's beautiful here. Okay, that has nothing to do with growing wine, but definitely with enjoying wine! And that is guaranteed in the Western Cape...

Oh how beautiful is... Stellenbosch!
The small town immediately cast a spell over me. But how not: Fresh clear air, lots of nature, cute city center with many small cafes and boutiques and then of course a huge number of wineries! ♥
Each colorful vine on the map marks a wine estate (in fact, there are even more wine estates than these!). If you ever get the chance, it's worth a visit! Until then you can discover the vibes digitally:

Durbanville Wine Valley - Wine & Wind
Just 20 minutes away from bustling Cape Town and parallel to the ocean you will find the Northern Winelands around Durbanville. Here it is much more rural, gentle hills run through the landscape and you always discover a chic winery. The representative for this region here in the bottled. shop is Durbanville Hills. Haaaaach, I love this winery! And the crying first! ♥ Here you can do different food pairings & wine tastings: A classic cheese & wine tasting,
a biltong & wine tasting, wine tasting during the cellar tour and in winter there is even a hot chocolate & wine tasting. Good reasons for me to visit the winery from time to time!